What is Infection Control Training?
All of us have gotten sick or dealt with an infection at some point in our lives. That is just considered part of daily life.
However, did you know one of the highest risk places to get an infection is at healthcare facilities such as hospitals, medical offices, dental offices, etc.?
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are among the most common complications of healthcare services worldwide. These types of infections occur when a person seeks help for one illness or injury and during treatment at a healthcare facility acquires an unrelated illness that was not present at the time of admission. Common HAIs include: bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, surgical site infections, pneumonia, etc.
Infection prevention and control is a set of practices designed to limit or eliminate the transmission of infections in all healthcare settings.
Who Needs to Comply with Infection Control Training?
All healthcare facilities should adopt infection control compliance programs to ensure that individual staff and the organization as a whole are adhering to industry standards governing infection prevention and control.
InfectionControlsTraining.com offers training and certification on Infection Control for an individual or an organization. A wide range of infection control topics are discussed in this training such as chain of infection, prevention and control, hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, environmental controls, sharps and injection safety, occupational health, sepsis, etc. Case studies are also provided to apply principles learned to real world situations.
Infection Control should be integrated into the daily process of all those working in healthcare including:
- Medical offices and clinics
- Hospitals
- Doctors and nurses
- Medical students
- Healthcare administration
- Pharmacies
- Midwives
- Social workers
- Medical laboratories
- Medical research
- Nursing homes
- Skilled nursing facilities
- Healthcare professionals/workers
- Etc.
How It Works

- Register for the individual training
- Login as your convenience 24x7
- Take the training and pass the final exam
- You receive a pdf certificate immediately upon passing the final exam
- Register for the Organizational Training
- Login to your administration account and copy the template instructions provided
- Email template instructions to your staff
- Sit back and the certificates for everyone will be emailed to you as they complete their training
Why Choose Us?

We are the leader in user friendly infection controls training and compliance and our mission is to make infection controls compliance fast, easy, and painless. We've done all the hard work so you don't have to.
We hope you'll give us a try and in return we promise exceptional training and compliance products at an affordable price and to treat each of our customers with the utmost care and raving support.
Raving support
Training that is user friendly and easy to understand
Nationally recognized certificate
Individual & organizational training available
Spanish version included at no charge
Cumulative group discounts available
We offer phone support and not just email
Unique zero administration system for groups
Works on PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, Android Tablets, Android Phones,and more
Complete your training online on any device, anywhere,anytime 24 x 7.